The Truma Duo Control CS is a 2-bottle gas pressure regulator which, due to the integrated crash sensor, allows you to operate your gas system during the journey and automatically changes over to the reserve bottle if the primary bottle is empty.
The Crash Sensor
In the event of an accident or a road that resembles a bumpy track, the crash sensor triggers. You can reset the crash sensor by pressing the yellow reset button on the Duo Control.
Truma Duo Control remote display
The remote display shows you that the regulating system is ready for operation via a green LED. If the green LED goes out and the red LED appears, this means that the primary bottle is empty and the system has therefore changed over. You should therefore fill or replace your primary bottle promptly. Furthermore, you can switch the defroster on and off via this remote display. The defroster (a 12 V regulator heater) prevents ice drops from forming on the gas pressure regulating system in winter. This ensures a trouble-free gas supply even in winter conditions.
Truma gas filter
Oily particles are carried along as aerosols in the gas flow. Over time, these particles deposit in the gas pressure regulator and clog it. The Truma gas filter effectively protects the gas system from such contamination and filters the residues out of the gas via a filter pad. When changing bottles, the filter pad should also be replaced to ensure a long service life of the gas system.